Email: robert(dot)anton(dot)vandermeulen(at)gmail(dot)com
Twitter: robvdm
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
ORCID: 0000-0001-6863-7006
DBLP PID: 137/3375

Short Bio:
I am a machine learning researcher currently based in Berlin. My primary research focuses are deep anomaly detection and nonparametric density estimation. My research on deep anomaly detection primarily focuses on one-class approaches, which were initially developed by myself (and collaborators) while I was at TU: Kaiserslautern and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. For nonparametric density estimation I am interested particularly in factorized density estimates which can used as an approach to nonparametric mixture models or as a general means for improving density estimates.
I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest in the USA and did my graduate work at University of Michigan before moving to Berlin for my postgraduate studies.
- 11-2024: New prerpint: Dimension-independent rates for structured neural density estimation
- 9-2024: Paper accepted to NeurIPS
- 1-2024: Paper accepted to ICLR
- 9-2023: Gave talk at the National Physics Laboratory UK
- 9-2023: Paper accepted to NeurIPS
- 9-2023: New preprint
- 5-2023: Gave talk at the University of Chicago Machine Learning Seminar
- 4-2023: New preprint
- 4-2023: Gave talk at the Weierstrass Institute
- 3-2023: Paper accepted to ICLR
- 2-2023: Gave talk at the Prague Computer Science Seminar
- 2-2023: Gave talk at Information Theory and Applications
- 12-2022: Received Google Collabs grant with Lukas Muttenthaler and Simon Kornblith
- 11-2022: Paper accepted to TMLR
- 11-2022: Paper accepted to NeurIPS
- 5-2022: My first cognitive science work! VICE: Variational Interpretable Concept Embeddings
- 2-2022: First website update since 5-2021
- 9-2021: Paper accepted to NeurIPS
- 9-2021: Invited talk at Kyung Hee University
- 7-2021: Invited talk at Hawai‘i Data Science Institute
- 7-2021: Presenting paper at ICML: Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning
- 5-2021: Paper accepted to ICML
- 4-2021: I will be PCing 3 anomaly detection workshops this year: [KDD: ANDEA] [KDD:ODD] [IJCAI: AI4AN]
- 4-2021: Paper accepted to IJCAI
- 1-2021: Papers accepted to ICLR and Proceedings of the IEEE
- 12-2020: New website!
- 11-2020: Submission accepted to NeurIPS Pre-registration conference: A Proposal for Supervised Density Estimation